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  223. Teiko Heinosaari, Mário Ziman:
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  225. Daniel Reitzner, Daniel Nagaj, Vladimír Bužek:
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  227. Peter Rapčan, John Calsamiglia, Ramon Muñoz-Tapia, Emili Bagan and Vladimír Bužek:
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  228. Alessandro Bisio, Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano, Paolo Perinotti, Michal Sedlak:
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  232. Marianna Bonanome, Vladimír Bužek, Mark Hillery, and Mário Ziman:
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  233. Peter Stano, Philippe Jacquod :
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  237. Marcus Huber, Paul Erker, Hans Schimpf, Andreas Gabriel, Beatrix C. Hiesmayr:
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  239. Mário Ziman, Vladimír Bužek:
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  241. Stefano Olivares, Michal Sedlak, Peter Rapčan, Matteo G. A. Paris, Vladimír Bužek:
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  242. Takatsugu Iharagi, Andrej Gendiar, Hiroshi Ueda, Tomotoshi Nishino:
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  245. Edward Farhi, David Gosset, Avinatan Hassidim, Andrew Lutomirski, Daniel Nagaj, Peter Shor:
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  246. Edgar Feldman, Mark Hillery, Hai-Woong Lee, Daniel Reitzner, Hongjun Zheng, Vladimír Bužek:
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  247. Peter Rapčan, John Calsamiglia, Ramon Muñoz-Tapia, Emili Bagan and Vladimír Bužek:
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  248. Teiko Heinosaari, Maria Anastasia Jivulescu, Daniel Reitzner, Mário Ziman:
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  250. Ramis Movassagh, Edward Farhi, Jeffrey Goldstone, Daniel Nagaj, Tobias J. Osborne, Peter W. Shor:
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  251. Mark Hillery, Daniel Reitzner, Vladimír Bužek:
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  257. Martin Plesch, Vladimír Bužek :
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  258. Mário Ziman, Michal Sedlak:
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  259. Mark Hillery, Vladimír Bužek, Mário Ziman:
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    Optics Communications 283, 822-826 (2010)
  260. Michal Sedlak:
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    Acta Physica Slovaca 59, No.6, 653-792 (2009)
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  274. Vladimír Bužek, Mário Ziman, Martin Plesch:
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  286. Jaroslav Fabian, Alex Matos-Abiague, Christian Ertler, Peter Stano, Igor Zutic:
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  287. Paul Busch, Pekka Lahti, Teiko Heinonen:
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  288. Vladimír Bužek , Mark Hillery, Mário Ziman:
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    Quantum Communication and Security (edited by M.Zukowski et al.), 215--223 (IOS Press, 2007)
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  291. Michal Sedlak, Mário Ziman, Ondrej Pribyla, Vladimír Bužek and Mark Hillery:
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  292. Paul Busch and Teiko Heinonen:
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  293. J.Košík, J.A.Miszczak and V.Bužek:
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  294. Marianna Bonanome, Mark Hillery, Vladimír Bužek:
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  295. Jan Bouda, Mário Ziman:
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    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007) 5415-5426
  296. Mário Ziman, Vladimír Bužek:
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  297. Marian Fecko:
    Differential geometry and Lie groups for physicists
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  298. M.Koniorczyk, V.Bužek, and P.Adam:
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  299. Derek McHugh, Vladimír Bužek, Mário Ziman:
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  300. Martin Plesch, Mário Ziman, Vladimír Bužek, Peter Štelmachovič:
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    Open Systems and Information Dynamics 13, 255-262 (2006)
  301. Jozef Košík, Vladimír Bužek, Mark Hillery:
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  302. Derek McHugh, Mário Ziman, Vladimír Bužek:
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  303. V.Bužek, M.Hillery, M.Ziman, and M.Roško:
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  304. Vladimír Bužek, Miguel Orszag, and Marian Roško:
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    Phys.Rev.Lett. 96, 089302 (2006)
  305. Janos A. Bergou, Vladimír Bužek, Edgar Feldman, Ulrike Herzog, Mark Hillery:
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  306. Mark Hillery, Mário Ziman, Vladimír Bužek, Martina Bielikova:
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    Physics Letters A 349, Issues 1-4 , pp 75-81 (2006), [quant-ph/0505041]
  307. Mark Hillery, Mário Ziman, Vladimír Bužek:
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    Phys. Rev. A 73, 012312 (2006), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0510017
  309. Mário Ziman, Martin Plesch and Vladimír Bužek:
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    Foundations of Physics 36, 127-156 (2006), [quant-ph/0406088]
  310. Mário Ziman and Vladimír Bužek:
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    Phys.Rev.A 72, 053325 (2005), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0508106
  311. Peter Štelmachovič and Vladimír Bužek:
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    J.Phys. A 38, 6051-6064 (2005)
  312. Jozef Košík:
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    Optics and Spectroscopy 99, 224-226 (2005), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/-------
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    All (qubit) decoherences: Complete characterization and physical implementation | pdf |
    Phys.Rev.A 72, 022110 (2005), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0505040
  314. Matyas Koniorczyk and Vladimír Bužek:
    Nonmaximally entangled bases and their application in entanglement purification via swapping | pdf |
    Physical Review A 71, 032331 (2005)
  315. Vladimír Bužek, Miguel Orszag, Marian Roško:
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    Phys.Rev.Lett. 94, 163601 (2005), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0503195
  316. Matyas Koniorczyk, Peter Rapčan, Vladimír Bužek:
    Direct versus measurement assisted bipartite entanglement in multi-qubit systems and their dynamical generation in spin systems | pdf |
    Phys.Rev.A 72, 022321 (2005), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0503133
  317. Adam Brazier, Vladimír Bužek, and Peter L. Knight:
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    Phys.Rev.A 71, 031306 (2005)
  318. Mark Hillery, Leonard Mlodinow, Vladimír Bužek:
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    Phys.Rev.A 71, 062103 (2005), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0502156
  319. Mário Ziman, Martin Plesch, Vladimír Bužek, Peter Štelmachovič:
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    Phys.Rev.A 72, 022106 (2005), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0501102
  320. M. Ziman, M. Plesch, and V. Bužek:
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    The European Physical Journal D 32, Vol.10,215 - 222 (2005), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0412129
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    Phys.Rev.A 72, 022343 (2005), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0411135
  322. Mário Ziman, Peter Štelmachovič, Vladimír Bužek:
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    Open systems and information dynamics 12, No.1, pp. 81-91 (2005), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0410161
  323. Aditi Sen De, Ujjwal Sen, Caslav Brukner, Vladimír Bužek, Marek Zukowski:
    Entanglement swapping of noisy states: A kind of superadditivity in nonclassicality | pdf |
    Phys.Rev.A 72, 042310 (2005), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0311194
  324. Jozef Košík, Vladimír Bužek:
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  325. Asboth J., Adam P., Koniorczyk M. and Janszky J.:
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    J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 6, Num.3, 84-89 (2004),
  327. Fabio Sciarrino, Francesco De Martini, and Vladimír Bužek:
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    Phys.Rev. A 70, 062313 (2004)
  328. V.Bužek, M.Ziman, M.Hillery:
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    Fortschr.Phys. 52, No.11-12, 1056-1063 (2004)
  329. Vladimír Bužek:
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    Lecture Notes in Physics 649, 189-234, Springer-Verlag Berlin (2004)
  330. M.Plesch, Z.Dzurakova, J.Novotny, and V.Bužek:
    Controlling bi-partite entanglement in multi-qubit systems | pdf |
    J.Phys.A 37, 1843-1859 (2004), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/-------
  331. Peter Štelmachovič and Vladimír Bužek:
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    Phys.Rev.A 70, 032313 (2004), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0312154
  332. Aditi Sen De, Ujjwal Sen, Caslav Brukner, Vladimír Bužek, Marek Zukowski:
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    unpublished , (2004), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0311194
  333. Mark Hillery, Mário Ziman, Vladimír Bužek:
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    Phys.Rev.A 69, 042311 (2004), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0311170
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  335. M.Dusek, J.Fiurasek, M.Hendrych, and V.Bužek::
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    Squeezed states and uncertainty relations, Proceedings of 8th Int. conf. , Rinton Press, 118-124 (2003)
  336. Mário Ziman and Vladimír Bužek:
    Realization of unitary maps via probabilistic programmable quantum processors | pdf |
    International Journal of Quantum Information 1, Num.4,1-15 (2003),
  337. V.Bužek and M.Ziman:
    Programmable quantum processors: probabilistic approach | pdf |
    Squeezed states and uncertainty relations, Proc. of 8th Int. conf. , Rinton Press, 65-72 (2003)
  338. Marian Roško, Vladimír Bužek, Paul Robert Chouha, Mark Hillery:
    Generalized measurements via programmable quantum processor | pdf |
    Phys.Rev.A 68, 062302 (2003), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0311172
  339. F.DeMartini, V.Bužek, F.Sciarino and C.Sias:
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    Particles and Nuclei Letters 116, 39 - 52 (2003)
  340. Jozef Košík:
    Two models of quantum random walk | pdf |
    CEJP 4, 556-573 (2003)
  341. Peter Štelmachovič, Mário Ziman and Vladimír Bužek:
    Quantum dynamics of open susytems from the point of information transfer | pdf |
    Proceedings of the 6th Int. Conf. QCMC'02,MIT,U.S.A. , 197-200 (2003)
  342. Jan Bouda and Vladimír Bužek:
    Security of the private quantum channel | pdf |
    Journal of Modern Optics 50, 1071-1077 (2003)
  343. Martin Plesch and Vladimír Bužek:
    Entangled graphs II: Classical correlations in multi-qubit entangled systems | pdf |
    Phys.Rev. A 68, 012313 (2003), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0306001
  344. Peter Štelmachovič,Mário Ziman, Vladimír Bužek:
    Microscopic description of information transfer from a qudit to reservoir | pdf |
    Fortschr.Phys. 51, 280-287 (2003)
  345. M.Ziman,P.Štelmachovič,V.Bužek:
    Saturation of CKW inequalities via quantum homogenization | pdf |
    J.Optics B 5, 439-441 (2003)
  346. Martin Plesch and Vladimír Bužek:
    Entangled graphs: Bipartite enatnglement in multi-qubit systems | pdf |
    Phys.Rev. A 67 , 012322 (2003), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0211020
  347. Marek Šašura and Andrew M. Steane:
    Realistic fast quantum gates with hot trapped ions | pdf |
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  348. M.Koniorczyk,V.Bužek:
    Simulation of exponential decay on simple quantum circuits: a case study | pdf |
    J. Optics B 5, 329 (2003), LANL preprint archive 329 (2003), LA
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    Correlation assisted quantum communication | pdf |
    Phys.Rev.A 67, 042321 (2003), LANL preprint archivequant-ph/0205078
  350. F.DeMartini, V.Bužek, F.Sciarrino, and C.Sias ::
    Experimental realization of the universal NOT gate. | pdf |
    Nature 419, 815 (2002)
  351. M.Plesch and V.Bužek:
    Entangled graphs | pdf |
    Quantum Information and Communication 2 , 30-539 (2002)
  352. D.Nagaj, P.Štelmachovič, V.Bužek, M.S.Kim,:
    Quantum homogenization for continuous variables: Realization with linear optical elements | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 66 , 62307 (2002)
  353. Martin Plesch:
    Stabilization via covariant symmetrisation | pdf |
    Acta Physica Slovaca 52 , 09 (2002)
  354. M.S.Kim,W.Son,V.Bužek,P.L.Knight:
    Entanglement by a beam splitter: Nonclassicality as a prerequisite for entanglement | pdf |
    Phys.Rev. A 65 , 032323 (2002), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0106136
  355. M.Hillery,M.Ziman,V.Bužek:
    Implementation of quantum maps by programmable quantum processors | pdf |
    Phys.Rev. A 66 , 42302 (2002), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0205050
  356. Miloslav Dusek and Vladimír Bužek:
    Quantum-controlled measurement device for quantum-state discrimination | pdf |
    Phys.Rev. A 66 , 022112 (2002), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0201097
  357. Marek Šašura and Vladimír Bužek:
    Cold Trapped Ions as Quantum Information Processors | pdf |
    J.Mod.Opt. 49 , 593-1647 (2002), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0112041
  358. V.Scarani,M.Ziman,P.Štelmachovič,N.Gisin,V.Bužek:
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    Phys.Rev.Lett. 88 , 97905-1 (2002), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0110088
  359. M.Ziman,P.Štelmachovič,V.Bužek,M.Hillery,V.Scarani,N.Gisin:
    Dilluting quantum information: An analysis of information transfer in system-reservoir interactions | pdf |
    Phys.Rev. A 65 , 042105 (2002), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0110164
  360. Gabriel Drobný and Vladimír Bužek:
    Reconstruction of motional states of neutral atoms via maximum entropy principle | pdf |
    Phys.Rev. A 65 , 53410 (2002), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0202080
  361. J.Bouda,V.Bužek:
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    Phys.Rev. A 65 , 034304 (2002), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0112015
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    Probabilitstic implementation of universal quantum processors | pdf |
    Phys.Rev. A 65 , 022301 (2002), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0106088
  363. Jan Bouda and Vladimír Bužek:
    Entanglement swapping between multi-qudit systems | pdf |
    J.Phys A 34 , 301-4311 (2001), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0112022
  364. Mark Hillery and Vladimír Bužek:
    Quantum cloning | pdf |
    Physics World 14 , November p.25 (2001)
  365. M.Hillery, V.Bužek, M.Ziman:
    Programmable quantum gate arrays | pdf |
    Fort. der Phys. 49 , 87-992 (2001)
  366. M.Ziman, P.Štelmachovič, V.Bužek:
    On the local unitary equivalence of states of multi-partite systems | pdf |
    Fort. der Phys. 49 , 123-1132 (2001), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0107016
  367. Peter Štelmachovič and Vladimír Bužek:
    Dynamics of open quantum systems initially entangled with enviroment: Beyond the Kraus representation | pdf |
    Phys.Rev. A 64 , (2001), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0108136
  368. M.Koniorczyk, V.Bužek, J.Janszky:
    Wigner-function description of quantum teleportation | pdf |
    Phys.Rev. A 64 , (2001), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0106109
  369. Mark Hillery and Vladimír Bužek:
    Singlet states and the estimation of eigenstates and eigenvalues of an unknown Controlled-U gate | pdf |
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  370. Ch.Simon, V.Bužek, N.Gisin:
    No-signaling condition and quantum dynamics | pdf |
    Phys.Rev.Lett 87 , 70405 (2001), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0102125
  371. Marek Šašura and Vladimír Bužek:
    Multiparticle entanglement with quantum logic networks: Application to cold trapped ions | pdf |
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  372. P.Rungta, V.Bužek, C.M.Caves, M.Hillery, G.J.Milburn:
    Universal state inversion and concurrence in arbitrary dimension | pdf |
    Phys.Rev. A 64 , (2001), LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0102040
  373. S.L.Braunstein, V.Bužek, M.Hillery:
    Quantum information distributors: Quantum network for symmetric and asymetric cloning in arbitrary dimension and continous limit | pdf |
    Phys.Rev. A 63 , 352313 (2001)
  374. Marek Šašura:
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    Acta Phys. Slovaca , (2000)
  375. A.Bandilla, G.Drobný, I.Jex:
    Parametric down-conversion and maximal pump depletion | pdf |
    J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 2 , 65 (2000)
  376. Vladimír Bužek and Gabriel Drobný:
    Quantum tomography via MaxEnt principle | pdf |
    J. Mod. Opt. 47 , 823-2840 (2000)
  377. V.Bužek, P.L.Knight, N.Imoto:
    Multiple observations of quantum clocks | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 62 , 62309 (2000)
  378. M.Koashi, V.Bužek, N.Imoto:
    Entangled webs: Tight bound for symmetric sharing of entanglement | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 62 , 50302(R) (2000)
  379. Vladimír Bužek and Mark Hillery:
    Quantum disentanglers | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 62 , 52303 (2000)
  380. Mário Ziman and Vladimír Bužek:
    Equally distant, partially entangled alphabet states for quantum channels | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 62 , 52301 (2000)
  381. Vladimír Bužek and Mark Hillery:
    Optimal manipulations woth qubits: Universal quantum entanglers | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 62 , 22303 (2000)
  382. Martin Konopka and Vladimír Bužek:
    Entangling atoms in photonic crystals | pdf |
    European J. Phys. D 10 , 285-293 (2000)
  383. G.Drobný, M.Havukainen, V.Bužek:
    Stimulated emission via quantum intrerference: scattering of one-photon packets on an atom in a ground state | pdf |
    J. Mod. Opt. 47 , 51-860 (2000)
  384. V.Bužek, M.Hillery, R.Werner:
    Universal NOT gate | pdf |
    J. Mod. Opt. 47 , 11-232 (2000)
  385. David di Vincenzo and Vladimír Bužek:
    Preface to the special issue of JMO: Physics of Quantum Information | pdf |
    J. Mod. Opt. 47 , 25-126 (2000)
  386. B.Hladký, G.Drobný, V.Bužek:
    Quantum synthesis of arbitrary unitary operators | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 61 , 22102 (2000)
  387. V.Bužek, M.Hilery, and R.Werner:
    Optimal manipulations wih qubits: Universal NOT gate | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 60, R2626-R2629 (1999).
  388. M.Havukainen, G.Drobný, S.Stenholm, and V.Bužek:
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    J. Mod. Opt. 46, 1343-1367 (1999).
  389. V.Bužek, G.Drobný, M.G.Kim, M.Havukainen, and P.L.Knight:
    Numerical simulations of fundamental processes in cavity QED: Atomic decay | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 60, 582 (1999).
  390. G.Drobný, B.Hladký, and V.Bužek:
    Synthesis of operators: universal quantum gates for a trapped ion | pdf |
    Acta Physica Slovaca 49, 665-670 (1999).
  391. M.Hillery and V.Bužek:
    Secret sharing via quantum entanglement | pdf |
    Acta Physica Slovaca 49, 533-539 (1999).
  392. V.Bužek and R.Derka:
    Optimal encoding of phase information into trapped ions | pdf |
    Acta Physica Slovaca 49, 151-159 (1999).
  393. V.Bužek, R.Derka, and S.Massar:
    Optimal quantum clocks | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 2207-2010 (1999).
  394. M.Hillery, V.Bužek, and A.Berthiaume:
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  395. V.Bužek G.Drobný, R.Derka, G.Adam, and H.Wiedeman:
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    Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 10, 981--1074 (1999).
  396. A.Bandilla, G.Drobný and I.Jex:
    The classical parametric approximation for three-wave interactions
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  397. V.Bužek and M.Hillery:
    Universal optimal cloning of qubits and quantum registers | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5003--5006 (1998).
  398. G.Drobný, B. Hladký, and V.Bužek:
    Quantum synthesis of multimode bosonic fields: Preparation of arbitrary states of 2-D vibrational motion of trapped ions | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 58, 2481-2487 (1998).
  399. V.Bužek and M.Konopka:
    Quantum dynamics of open systems governed by the Milburn equation | pdf |
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  400. V.Bužek:
    Reconstruction of Liouvillian superoperators | pdf |
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  401. V.Bužek, R.Derka, G.Adam, and P.L.Knight:
    Reconstruction of quantum spin states: from quantum Bayesian inference to quantum tomography | pdf |
    Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 266, 454-496 (1998).
  402. V.Bužek, M.Hillery, and P.L.Knight:
    Flocks of quantum clones: Multiple copying of qubits | pdf |
    Fortschr. Phys. 48, 521 (1998).
  403. B.Hladký, G.Drobný, and V.Bužek:
    Quantum synthesis of 3-D vibrational states of trapped ions | pdf |
    Acta Physica Slovaca 48, 271 (1998).
  404. V.Bužek, M.Hillery, and R.Bendik:
    Controling the flow of information in quantum cloner: Asymmetric cloning | pdf |
    Acta Physica Slovaca 48, 177 (1998).
  405. V.Bužek, M.T.Fontenelle, D.Kraehmer, and W.P.Schleich:
    Quantum statistics of grey body radiation | pdf |
    Phys. Lett. A 239, 1 (1998).
  406. R.Derka, V.Bužek, and A.Ekert:
    Universal algoritm for optimal state estimation from finite ensembles | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 1571-1575 (1998).
  407. A.Bandilla, G. Drobný and B.Hladký:
    Quantum and classical description of three-wave interaction
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  408. G. Drobný and B.Hladký:
    Realization of nonlinear oscillators with trapped ion.
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  409. G.Drobný, A.Bandilla and I.Jex:
    Quantum description of nonlinearly interacting oscillators via classical trajectories.
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  410. V.Bužek, S.Braunstein, M.Hillery, and D.Bruss:
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  412. V.Bužek, G.Drobný, M.S.Kim, G.Adam, and P.L.Knight:
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    Phys. Rev. A 56, 2352 (1997)
  413. A.Wuensche and V.Bužek:
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    Quantum Optics 9, 631 (1997).
  414. M.Hillery and V.Bužek:
    Quantum copying: Fundamental inequalities | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 56, 1212 (1997).
  415. V.Bužek, G.Drobný, G.Adam, R.Derka, and P.L.Knight:
    Reconstruction of quantum states of spin systems via the Jaynes principle of maximum entropy. | pdf |
    J. Mod. Optics 44, 2607 (1997)
  416. V.Bužek and M.G.Kim:
    Numerical simulation of fundamental processes in 1-D cavity QED: Position-dependence of spontaneous decay of two-level atoms
    J. Korean Phys. Soc. 30, 413 (1997).
  417. V.Bužek, V.Vedral, M.Plenio, P.L.Knight, and M.Hillery:
    Broadcasting of entanglement via local copying | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 55, 3327 (1997).
  418. A. Bandilla, G. Drobný and I. Jex:
    Nonclassical effects in chi^(2) media. Classical simulation of quantum dynamics
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  419. A. Bandilla, G. Drobný and I. Jex:
    Phase-space motion in parametric threee-wave interaction.
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    Nondegenerate parametric interaction and nonclassical effects.
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  421. R.Derka, V.Bužek, G.Adam, and P.L.Knight:
    From quantum Bayesian inference to quantum tomography
    Jemna Mechanika a Optika 11/12, 341 (1996).
  422. R.Derka, V.Bužek, and G.Adam:
    Quantum inference for statistical mixtures
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  423. V.Bužek and M.Hillery:
    Quantum copying: Beyond the noncloning theorem | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 54, 1844 (1996).
  424. M.Konopka and V.Bužek:
    Conditional measurements in micromasers: role of counter-rotating processes
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  425. T.Opatrny, D.-G.Welsch, and V.Bužek:
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  426. M.Hillery, M.Zou, and V.Bužek:
    Difference-phase squeezing from amplitude squeezing by means of a beam splitter | pdf |
    Quantum Optics 8, 1041 (1996).
  427. V.Bužek and M.Hillery:
    Phase distributions via displaced squeezed states | pdf |
    J. Mod. Opt. 43, 1633 (1996).
  428. V.Bužek, G.Adam, and G.Drobný:
    Quantum state reconstruction and detection of quantum coherences on different observation levels. | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 54, 804 (1996)
  429. J.Seke, G.Adam, and V.Bužek:
    The effect of counter-rotating terms and cavity dampling on reduction of quantum fluctuations in the Jaynes-Cummings model
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  430. .Bužek, G.Adam, and G.Drobný:
    Reconstruction of Wigner functions on different observation levels. | pdf |
    Annals of Physics (N.Y.) 245, 37-96 (1996)
  431. A.Bandilla, G.Drobný and I.Jex:
    Three-wave mixing with entangled and disentangled states
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  432. G.Drobný and I.Jex:
    Field state manipulations using multiatomic system.
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  433. A.Bandilla, G.Drobný and I.Jex:
    Sub-Poissonian photon statistics in a three-wave interaction starting in the out-of-phase regime.
    Phys. Rev. Lett 75, 4019 (1995).
  434. .Opatrny, V.Bužek, J.Bajer, and G.Drobný:
    Propensities in discrete phase spaces: Q -function of a state in a finite-dimensional Hilbert space. | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 52, 2419 (1995)
  435. V.Bužek, M.G.Kim, and M.S.Kim:
    Entropic uncertainty relations for operational phase-space measurement
    J. Korean Phys. Soc. 28, 529 (1995).
  436. V.Bužek and G.Adam:
    Phase distributions in quantum optics via SU(1,1) generalized coherent states
    Acta Physica Slovaca 45, 425 (1995)
  437. V.Bužek and M.Hillery:
    Quantum disentanglement and phase measurement
    Czech. J. Phys. B 45, 711-726 (1995)
  438. V.Bužek, I.Jex, and A.S.Shumovsky:
    Raman scattering of squeezed light.
    Quantum Nonlinear Phenomena 2, 43 (1995)
  439. V.Bužek, M.S.Kim, and M.G.Kim:
    Description of influence of reservoir via coarse graining in phase space
    J. Korean Phys. Soc. 28, 123 (1995)
  440. V.Bužek, C.Keitel, and P.L.Knight:
    Sampling entropies and operational phase-space measurement II: Detection of quantum coherences | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 51, 2594 (1995)
  441. V.Bužek, C.Keitel, and P.L.Knight:
    Sampling entropies and operational phase-space measurement I: General formalism | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 51, 2575 (1995)
  442. G.Drobný and I.Jex:
    Nondegenerate two-photon down conversion: coherent inputs and nonclassical effects
    Czech J. Phys. 44, 827 (1994).
  443. G.Drobný, Ts.Gantsong and I.Jex:
    Phase properties of the field mode interacting with N two-level atoms.
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  444. G.Drobný and V.Bužek:
    Fundamental limit on energy transfer in k-photon down-conversion | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 50, 3492 (1994)
  445. V.Bužek, Ts.Gantsog, and M.S.Kim:
    `Production of macroscopic Schroedinger cat states from weak quantized cavity fields interacting with two-level atoms driven by classical fields
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  446. K.S.Lee, M.S.Kim, and V.Bužek:
    Amplification of multicomponent superposition states of light with quantum amplifiers
    J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 11, 1118 (1994).
  447. .Drobný, I.Jex, and V.Bužek:
    Mode entanglement in nonlinear quantum-optical parametric processes.
    Acta Phys. Slovaca 44, 155 (1994) Review article
  448. V.Bužek:
    Conditional measurements in micromasers: Fock states via trapping conditional measurement
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  449. V.Bužek and M.S.Kim:
    Mean-photon-number decay and Shannon entropy decay of micromaser field via conditional measurements
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  450. M.S.Kim, V.Bužek, and M.G.Kim:
    Generation of phase-sensitive nonclassical effects via decay of light into phase-insensitive environment
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  451. G.Drobný and I.Jex:
    Two-mode SU(2) coherent states for k-photon down conversion process with quantized pump
    Czech J. Phys. 43, 797 (1993).
  452. E.Majernikova and G.Drobný:
    Nonlinear radiation of a sine-Gordon soliton generated by a constant external field
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    Phase properties and entanglement of the filed modes in a two-mode coupler with intensity dependent coupling
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  454. G.Drobný and I.Jex:
    The system of N two-level atoms interacting with a field mode: Entanglement and parametric approximation.
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  455. V.Bužek and M.S.Kim:
    SU(2)xSU(2) model: Simple model of atom-field interaction with anti-resonant terms
    J. Egypt. Math. Soc. 1, 45 (1993).
  456. H.Moya-Cessa, V.Bužek, M.S.Kim, and P.L.Knight:
    Intrinsic decoherence in atom-field interaction | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 48, 3900 (1993).
  457. V.Bužek, M.S.Kim, and Ts.Gantsog:
    Quantum phase distributions of amplified Schroedinger-cat states of light | pdf |
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  458. G.Drobný, I.Jex, and V.Bužek:
    Mode entanglement in nondegenerate down conversion with quantized pump. | pdf |
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  459. V.Bužek, Ts.Gantsog, and M.S.Kim:
    Phase properties of Schroedinger cat states of light decaying in phase-sensitive reservoirs
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  460. V.Bužek and B.Hladký:
    Macroscopic superposition states of light via two-photon resonant interaction of atoms with cavity field
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  461. K.S.Lee, M.S.Kim, S.-D.Lee, and V.Bužek:
    Squeezing properties of multicomponent superposition states of light
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    Amplification of superposition states by phase-sensitive amplifiers | pdf |
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  463. I.Jex and V.Bužek:
    Multiphoton coherent states and the linear superposition principle
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  464. V.Bužek and G.Drobný:
    Signal-pump entanglement in the quantum k-photon down conversion | pdf |
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  465. M.S.Kim and V.Bužek:
    Photon statistics of superposition states in phase-sensitive reservoirs | pdf |
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  466. I.Jex, G.Drobný and M.Matsuoka:
    Quantum phase properties of the process of k-photon down-conversion with quantized pump
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  467. G.Drobný, I.Jex and M.Matsuoka:
    Collapse-revival phenomenon in the process of k-photon down-conversion with superpositions of number states
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  468. G.Drobný and I.Jex:
    Phase properties of field modes in the process of k-th harmonic generation
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  469. E.Majernikova and G.Drobný:
    Transient soliton dynamics in perturbation fields
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  470. I.Jex and G.Drobný:
    SU(1,1) and SU(2) squeesing in trilinear optical processes
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  471. G.Drobný and I.Jex:
    Quantum properties of field modes in trilinear optical processes.
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  472. G.Drobný and I.Jex:
    Statistics of field modes in the process of k-photon down conversion.
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    Collapses and revivals in the energy exchange in the process of k-photon down conversion with quantized pumps
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  474. M.S.Kim and V.Bužek:
    Schroedinger cat states finite temperature: Influence of a finite-temperature heatbath on quantuminterferences | pdf |
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  475. A.D.Wilson-Gordon, V.Bužek, and P.L.Knight:
    The interaction of an atom with a sub-Poissonian single field mode
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  476. M.S.Kim and V.Bužek:
    Decay of quantum coherences under the influence of a thermal heatbath: Schroedinger cat states at finite temperature
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  477. A.Vidiella-Barranco, H.Moya-Cessa, and V.Bužek:
    The interaction of superpositions of coherent states of light with two-level atoms
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  478. V.Bužek, H.Moya-Cessa, P.L.Knight, and S.J.D.Phoenix:
    Schroedinger cat states in the resonant Jaynes-Cummings model: Collapse and revival of oscillations of the photon number distribution | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 45, 8190 (1992).
  479. V.Bužek, A.D.Wilson-Gordon, P.L.Knight, and W.K.Lai:
    Coherent states in a finite-dimensional basis: Their phase properties and relationship to coherent states of light | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. A 45, 8079 (1992).
  480. V.Bužek:
    The Jaynes-Cummings model with a q-analogue of a coherent state.
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  481. V.Bužek, A.Vidiella-Barranco, and P.L.Knight:
    Superpositions of coherent states. Squeezing and dissipation | pdf |
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  482. A.D.Wilson-Gordon, V.Bužek, and P.L.Knight:
    Statistical and phase properties of displaced Kerr states | pdf |
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  483. W.K.Lai, V.Bužek, and P.L.Knight:
    Dynamics of a three-level atom in a two-mode squeezed vacuum | pdf |
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  484. H.Moya-Cessa, V.Bužek, and P.L.Knight:
    Power-broadening and shifts of micromaser lineshapes
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  485. W.K.Lai, V.Bužek, and P.L.Knight:
    Interaction of a three-level atom with an SU(2) coherent state | pdf |
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  486. V.Bužek, P.L.Knight, and I.K.Kudryavtsev:
    Three-level atoms in phase-sensitive broad-band correlated reservoirs | pdf |
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  1. M. Hamed Mohammady:
    Fluctuating quantum heat
  2. Roman Krčmár, Andrej Gendiar, Tomotoshi Nishino:
    Phase transition of the six-state clock model observed from the entanglement entropy
  3. Mátyás Koniorczyk, Lívia Dani, Vladimír Bužek:
    Process optimized quantum cloners
  4. Hiroshi Ueda, Andrej Gendiar, Valentin Zauner, Takatsugu Iharagi, Tomotoshi Nishino:
    Transverse Field Ising Model Under Hyperbolic Deformation
  5. Thilo Hannemann, Christof Wunderlich, Martin Plesch, Mário Ziman, Vladimír Bužek:
    Scrutinizing single-qubit quantum channels: Theory and experiment with trapped ions | pdf |
  6. Daniel Nagaj:
    Local Hamiltonians in Quantum Computatio | pdf |
    Ph.D. Thesis, MIT (2008) [0808.2117]
  7. P.Rapčan, J.Calsamiglia, R.Munoz-Tapia, E.Bagan and V.Bužek:
    Recycling of quantum information: Multiple observations of quantum system
  8. Daniel Reitzner:
    Comment on Afshar's experiment
  9. Peter Štelmachovič, Marian Roško:
    Local control of remote entanglemen
  10. Mário Ziman:
    Quantum process tomography: the role of initial correlation | pdf |
  11. Mário Ziman:
    Notes on optimality of direct characterisation of quantum dynamic | pdf |
    LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0603151
  12. Jan Bouda and Mário Ziman:
    Limits and restrictions of private quantum channe | pdf |
  13. Mário Ziman and Peter Štelmachovič:
    Quantum theory: kinematics, linearity and no-signaling conditio | pdf |
    unpublished (2003) LANL preprint archive quant-ph/0211149