Daniel Nagaj | talks

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Recent seminars and conference talks

  • Boson sampling enhanced metrology | pdf | PICQUE, Rome, Italy (9/17)
  • Verifying quantum proofs with single qubits | pdf | CEQIP 2016, Smolenice, Slovakia (6/16)
  • Very entangled spin chains | pdf | quantum frontiers workshop 2015, QUICS, College Park, MD, USA (10/15)
  • Intro to Quantum Hamiltonian Complexity | invited tutorial, AQIS 2015 Seoul, KR (8/15)
  • An adaptive attack on Wiesner's quantum money | pdf | seminar @ NBI Copenhagen (5/15)
  • Quantum Walks and Scattering | seminar, Uni Hannover (5/15)
  • Local tests of global entanglement and a counterexample to the generalized area law | pdf | plenary talk, QIP 2015, Sydney (1/15), seminar @ Uni Freiburg (2/15), seminar @ Perimeter Institute, CA (3/15)
  • Perturbative gadgets without strong interactions | pdf | poster, QIP 2015, Sydney (1/15)
  • An adaptive attack on Wiesner's quantum money | pdf | poster, QIP 2015, Sydney (1/15)
  • Local tests of global entanglement and a counterexample to the generalized area law | pdf | QuPa Workshop, Institut Henri Poincare, Paris (12/14)
  • Local tests of global entanglement and a counterexample to the generalized area law | pdf | Quantum Africa 3, Rabat, Morocco (9/14)
  • Intro to Quantum Computation | 1 2 3 4 5 | Models of Modern Physics summer school, Svit, Slovakia (9/14)
  • Bombs don't explode, the forgers get rich | video, pdf | QCRYPT 2014, Paris (9/14)
  • Quantum walks: searching, scattering and computing | 4 blackboard talks | QESS Summer school, Smolenice, Slovakia (8/14)
  • Local Hamiltonians & Quantum Complexity | pdf | MPI-PKS Dresden (6/14)
  • Local tests of global entanglement and a counterexample to the generalized area law | pdf | Caltech (5/14)
  • Intro to Quantum Complexity | pdf | USC (4/14)
  • The Clock Talk | video, pdf | Quantum Games & Protocols workshop, Simons Institute, Berkeley (2/14)
  • Many-body Physics and Complexity | L1: pdf, video, L2: pdf, video | QHC Bootcamp, Simons Institute, Berkeley (1/14)
  • Intro to Quantum Computation | 1 2 3 4 5 | ICTP-VAST regional school, Hanoi, Vietnam (12/13)
  • Quantum 3-SAT is QMA1-complete | pdf | FOCS 2013, Berkeley (10/13)
  • The Good, Bad & Ugly Sides of Quantum Satisfiability | pdf | MIT q.info seminar (10/13)
  • Intro to Quantum Complexity (QMA and QMA1) | L1: pdf, video, L2: pdf, video | MQI workshop, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK (9/13)
  • Quantum 3-SAT is QMA1-complete | pdf | CEQIP 2013, Valtice (6/13)
  • Quantum Walks and Scattering | pdf | CoQuS colloquium, Vienna (3/13), ISI Torino (4/13)
  • Towards Perfect Completeness in QMA | pdf | QIP conference, Beijing (1/13)
  • Criticality without Frustration | pdf | IQC Colloquium, Waterloo (9/12)
  • Quantum Speedup by Quantum Annealing | pdf | QCMC conference, Vienna (8/12)

Popular physics

  • Svet ako výpočet | pdf | Noc výskumníkov, BA (9/17)
  • Čítame vesmír | pdf | Noc kostolov, CB Bardejov (6/17)
  • Čo nám príroda dovolí vypočítať | pdf | konferencia Preveda, BA (6/16)
  • Prečo (ne)študovať vedu? / Why (not) study science? | Nexteria Career Visions debate and workshop, Gym. Matky Alexie, BA (9/15)
  • AKo si nájsť chybu? (How to find your mistake?) | FKS/TMF summer school, Bratislava (7/15)
  • Horológia - meranie času (measuring time) | Petržalská superškola, ZŠ Tupolevova, ZŠ Gessayova, Bratislava (4/15)
  • What color are the stars? | video, pdf | TEDx Salon Bratislava (12/14)
  • Spooky action at a distance? | pdf | Akademia Trojstenu, FMFI UK, Bratislava (12/14)
  • What is matter? | pdf | Petrzalska superskola, Bratislava (12/13)
  • How we measure the world | pdf | Petrzalska superskola, Bratislava (5/13)
  • Ancient Greek Science
  • Physics & the Industrial Revolution
  • From Discworld to the Big bang
  • The physics of music, the music of physics
  • The quantum age
  • The physics of weapons
  • Analog computing (what does nature allow us to compute)

Some of my favorite slides