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Kvantové hry pre začiatočníkov - populárna prednáška v rámci Dňa otvorených dverí FU SAV 2008. | pdf |
Výročný seminár FÚ SAV
V stredu 3.12.2008 sa bude konať celodenný výročný seminár Fyzikálneho ústavu SAV, na ktorom každé oddelenie predstaví svoje výsledky dosiahnuté v roku 2008.
Deň otvorených dverí FÚ SAV
V utorok 25.11.2008 v čase od 9:00 - 15:30 Vás pozývame na návštevu laboratórií Fyzikálneho ústavu SAV. Okrem prehliadky fyzikálnych prístrojov si môžete vypočuť aj zaujímavé populárne prednášky. Všetci záujemci sú vítaní. Viac informácií môžete nájsť na stránkach FÚ SAV. | webpage |
Physics Nobel Prize 2008
Half of the Prize awarded to Yoichiro Nambu (University of Chicago, USA) for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics and half of the Prize is shared by Makoto Kobayashi (KEK, Japan) Toshihide Maskawa (Kyoto University, Japan) for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature. | webpage |
Daniel Nagaj has joined our group. He successfully finished his PhD at MIT working on quantum algorithmic methods. | homepage |.
Tomáš Rybár has joined our group. He successfully finished his master degree at Comenius University.
John Archibald Wheeler
(1911 - 2008)

One of the greatest physicist who introduced the terms black hole and it from bit died on Sunday 13.4.2008 at age of 96. Read more about his extraordinary life at
| wikipedia |.
Nobel prizes 2005 1.4.2008
Dr. Jozef Košík has left the group.
Experimental realization of UID
As reported in [Phys.Rev.A 77, 034306 2008] the experimentalists in Olomouc (Palacky university) demonstrated the unambiguous identification setup proposed originally by Michal Sedlák et al. [Phys.Rev.A 76, 022326 (2007)]. | webpage |
Nobel prizes 2005 29.2.2008
Dr. Teiko Heinosaari left the group.
Introduction to
mezoscopic transport

Prof. Jaroslav Fabián
(University of Regensburg)
Time: 3.3.-14.3. 10:00-11:30 (daily)
Place: FMFI UK, F1-326, Mlynská dolina, Bratislava
Program: | download announcement |
  1. Two-dimensional electron gases avi |"); } ?>
  2. Quantum point contacts
  3. Landauer-Buttiker formalism
  4. Mutlichannel transport and integer QHE
  5. S-matrix formalism
  6. Green's functions and Fischer-Lee relations
  7. Kubo formalism for linear quantum transport
  8. Feynman diagrams in disordered systems
  9. Drude formula and diffusons
  10. Weak localization and cooperons
| Lecture's website |
CEQIP 2008
5th Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop organized in Telč, UNESCO heritage twon, 05.06-08.06.2008. | webpage |