A B O U T   M E
Pavol Neilinger, PhD.

   Position: senior researcher IIA (part-time)
   E-mail: pavol.neilinger@fmph.uniba.sk
   Tel. (+421 2) 20910xxx
   Office 215
   Personal webpage: http://quantum.physics.sk/

List of publications
  1. O. G. Turutanov, A. M. Korolev, V. I. Shnyrkov, A. P. Shapovalov, M. Baránek, S. Kern, V. Yu. Lyakhno, P. Neilinger, M. Grajcar:
    Design of deeply cooled ultra-low dissipation amplifier and measuring cell for quantum measurements with a microwave single-photon counter | pdf |
    Low Temp. Phys. 50, 82–88 (2024) [arXiv:2309.14559]
  2. S. Kern, P. Neilinger, E. Iľichev, A. Sultanov, M. Schmelz, S. Linzen, J. Kunert, G. Oelsner, R. Stolz, A. Danilov, S. Mahashabde, A. Jayaraman, V. Antonov, S. Kubatkin, M. Grajcar:
    Reflection-enhanced gain in traveling-wave parametric amplifiers | pdf |
    Physical Review B 107, 174520 (2023) [arXiv:2203.02448]
  3. Pavol Neilinger, Samuel Kern, Daniel Manca, and Miroslav Grajcar:
    Study of optical conductivity of highly disordered MoC films by spectroscopic ellipsometry
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2411, 040008 (2021)
  4. Martin Baránek, Pavol Neilinger, Daniel Manca, and Miroslav Grajcar:
    Superconducting planar filter design
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2411, 040002 (2021)
  5. S. Kern, P. Neilinger, D. Manca, J. Greguš, S. Volkov, and M. Grajcar:
    Numerical extrapolation method for complex conductivity of disordered metals | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. B 103, 134205 (2021)
  6. P Neilinger, M Baránek, D Manca, M Grajcar:
    Investigation of Complex Conductivity of Strongly Disordered Superconducting Films by Broadband Flip-Chip Transmission Line Technique | pdf |
    Acta Physica Polonica, A. 137, 797 (2020)
  7. P. Neilinger, J. Greguš, D. Manca, B. Grančič, M. Kopčík, P. Szabó, P. Samuely, R. Hlubina, M. Grajcar:
    Observation of quantum corrections to conductivity up to optical frequencies | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. B 100, 241106(R), (2019) [arXiv:1908.09907]
  8. P. Neilinger, S. N. Shevchenko, J. Bogár, M. Rehák, G. Oelsner, D. S. Karpov, O. Astafiev, M. Grajcar, E. Il'ichev:
    Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana lasing in circuit QED | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. B 94, 094519 (2016) [arXiv:1603.00245]
  9. D. De Motte, A. R. Grounds, M. Rehák, A. Rodriguez Blanco, B. Lekitsch, G. S. Giri, P. Neilinger, G. Oelsner, E. Il'ichev, M. Grajcar, W. K. Hensinger:
    Experimental system design for the integration of trapped-ion and superconducting qubit systems
    Quantum Inf Process (2016), doi:10.1007/s11128-016-1368-y [arXiv:1510.07298]
  10. M. Žemlička, P. Neilinger, M. Trgala, M. Rehák, D. Manca, M. Grajcar, P. Szabó, P. Samuely, Š. Gaži, U. Hübner, V. M. Vinokur, and E. Il'ichev:
    Finite quasiparticle lifetime in disordered superconductors | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. B 92, 224506 (2015) [arXiv:1407.2402]
  11. P. Neilinger, M. Rehák, M. Grajcar, G. Oelsner, U. Hübner, E. Il'ichev:
    Two-photon lasing by a superconducting qubit | pdf |
    Phys. Rev. B 91, 104516 (2015) [arXiv:1501.01543]
  12. M. Žemlička, P. Neilingera, M. Trgala, M. Gregor, T. Plecenik, P. Ďurina, M. Grajcar:
    Superconducting properties of magnesium diboride thin film measured by using coplanar waveguide resonator | pdf |
    Applied Surface Science 312, 231–234 (2014)
  13. M. Rehak, P. Neilinger, M. Grajcar, G. Oelsner, U. Hubner, E. Ilichev, H.-G. Meyer:
    Parametric amplification by coupled flux qubits | pdf |
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 162604 (2014) [arXiv:1312.7237]
  14. G. Oelsner, P. Macha, O. V. Astafiev, E. Il'ichev, M. Grajcar, U. Hübner, B. I. Ivanov, P. Neilinger, H.-G. Meyer:
    Dressed-state amplification by a superconducting qubit
    Phys. Rev. Lett 110, 053602 (2013), [arXiv:1205.3017]
  1. M. Baránek, P. Neilinger, D. Manca and M. Grajcar:
    Kinetic planar resonators from strongly disordered ultra-thin MoC superconducting films investigated by transmission line spectroscopy