P R O J E C T   P R E S P E E D

Title: Perspective electronic spin systems for future quantum technologies
Duration: 01/07/2021 - 30/06/2025
Principal Investigator: Andrej Gendiar (coordinated by Jozef Strečka, UPJŠ, Košice)

Project Annotation: The project is aimed at a comprehensive understanding of possibilities and limiting factors of electron spin systems for a quantum computation and quantum information processing, which will be investigated by the combination of advanced analytical and numerical methods including among others exact mapping transformations, localized-magnon theory, exact diagonalization, tensor-network methods, density functional theory, Monte Carlo simulations and density-matrix renormalization group method. In particular, we will examine the possibility to stabilize a bipartite and multipartite entanglement as a genuine quantum phenomenon needed for a quantum computation and quantum information processing at least up to temperature of liquid nitrogen or preferably room temperature. We will also explore the capability of the pulsed electron spin resonance for the spin-qubit manipulation. Quantum spin systems with topologically protected edge states eligible for a topological quantum computation will be investigated in detail together with a few selected quantum spin chains studied in connection with the implementation of a quantum teleportation. Frustrated Heisenberg spin systems supporting either the presence of a nontrivial skyrmion phase or magnon-crystal phases will be investigated in connection with the possibility to store a quantum information or to implement more complex quantum circuits. Heterostructures composed of atomically thin layers coupled by van der Waals forces will be examined with respect to a superconducting pairing and topological quantum computation. The studied electron spin systems will be either motivated by the effort to understand unconventional behavior of existing real magnetic materials or will be supplemented by the respective proposals for their experimental realization.

Researchers: Andrej Gendiar, Roman Krčmár,
