30 November - 4 December

The Young European Physicists meetings are organized anually in the framework of the European Research Training Network project CONQUEST. This meeting was held in Budmerice chateaux (near Bratislava), Slovakia, starting from 30th November till 4th December.

Organizers would like to thanks to all participants for creating nice and friendly atmoshpere. We hope you enjoyed your stay :-)

From left to right:
Up: Michal, Peter R., Viktor, Marián, Pierre, Martin, Jozef, Mário
Somewhere in the middle: Linas, Sarah, Andreas, Norbert, Peter Rabl, Rüdiger, Alex, Alessandro, Jos, Giulio, Richard, Francesco,
Down: Stefano, Matyás, Peter Š., Martina, Carlo, Sonja, Rachele, Jeremy, Jaewoo, Joe,
In front of all: Mark,
Missing: Ben, Jan, Vlado, Christoph,
Picture took by Jan Bouda

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